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Sometimes you need a little love song…

3 Jun

.a sweet love song.

“Making Memories Of Us”

I’m gonna be here for you baby
I’ll be a man of my word
Speak the language in a voice that you have never heard
I wanna sleep with you forever
And I wanna die in your arms
In a cabin by a meadow where the wild bees swarm

And I’m gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I’ll earn your trust making memories of us

I wanna honor your mother
I wanna learn from your pa
I wanna steal your attention like a bad outlaw
I wanna stand out in a crowd for you
A man among men
I wanna make your world better than it’s ever been

And I’m gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I’ll earn your trust making memories of us

We’ll follow the rainbow
Wherever the four winds blow
And there’ll be a new day
Comin’ your way

I’m gonna be here for you from now on
This you know somehow
You’ve been stretched to the limits but it’s alright now
And I’m gonna make you a promise
If there’s life after this
I’m gonna be there to meet you with a warm, wet kiss

And I’m gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I’ll earn your trust making memories of us
I’m gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I’ll win your trust making memories of us

I’m laughing again. Weddings weddings and more weddings.

24 May

Since I’ve last posted, I’ve moved to another country, been pregnant and given birth to baby #2. I’m not joking. Thus. I’m back-at least for today. This weekend we’re heading back to the Burgh for a wedding. From the venues I’ve seen, there are some styling places to get hitched in Pittsburgh and even lovelier are the reception venues.

This weekend’s venue is the ‘historic’ Summit Inn.

Boasting an indoor and outdoor pool, this venue will at least impress my kids. We’ll see just how romantic this getaway is for a regular, non family couple. I’ll post about it if I get a chance later on.

Last week, however, we had the chance to celebrate the wedding of another one of by besties in the Dominican Republic. We stayed at the Grand Bahia Principe Punta Cana.
(that’s the pool that my son was in love with)

It was a wedding tainted with some regular wedding speedbumps, and some irregular (bride forgot her dress at home…on her side though, just a month prior to this her house burned down. So it’s a given that she’s got quite a bit on her mind).

The ceremony was absolutely picturesque. It was complete with a white gazebo, a gentle breeze, a smiling groom and a beaming bride. It was the stuff all destination brides dream of.

Anywho. I just have weddings on the brain-and since mine was 4 years ago (June 20) I’ve been a bit nostalgic. Any brides out there wish they did things differently? For mine, I would’ve just done about everything differently. Mine was an enormous (not big for weddings in Canada but for other places, I’ve been told I’m insane to have had a wedding that large) 500 guest shindig. There was something RIDICULOUS like 7 courses, plus a midnight buffet with a chef slicing proscuitto. In a few words it was INSANELY overdone. Not really my style. My wonderfully helpful mum really helped make it all that it was, and although it was a very nice wedding (and my mum insists it was the most awesome wedding she’s ever been to) I wish I put my foot down for so many decisions. I was in a point where I was working 3 jobs, doing long distance with my fiancee and completing my masters at the same time as planning my wedding. I was stretched thin and let some big decisions be pushed by others.  My husband (finacee at the time) really tried his hardest to talk some sense into me…but I was a lost cause. Maybe we should have waited to plan it properly, but is there ever a really stress free good time to plan?   SO. All that being said. If you want to plan a large lavish wedding I’m your go to gal for help and ideas. If you’re looking for a stylin wedding full of creative ideas I have an old friend who seems like she’s really darn good at what she does (a wedding coordinator).  I’m pretty sure she’s been doing weddings all over the place.  Check her out over at



26 Jan

I just looked at the date of my last post and went: you’re joking me.

Ladies and gents, the date of my last post was the day my water broke (11:30 am) and I went into labor…producing a beautiful baby boy at 8:50 pm.  My baby  is here and yep, he’s a He. My husband and I haven’t slept officially since December 15 (when my placenta tore and I was in the hospital) but it’s definitely been worth it.  What’s happened since Jan 5 you ask? Well, let me tell you. Not much. He eats, poos, pees, sleeps. His newest trick of the trade is switching night for day…so I’m on 2 solid hours of sleep and approximately 3 broken hours. But he’s beautiful and so so cute.   More to come….

hospitals, bed rest and gunk

5 Jan

Wow. I was actually surprised when I saw I hadn’t blogged in a LONG while. That’s what happens when you actually have to go into a job-waking up at 445 am and coming home around 12 hours later. Sheesh.


But times have a changed—and I’m not working! Or doing my masters case presentation! Or walking! That’s right folks, I’m officially on bed rest because my Placenta (yes, has to be capitalized) tore on December 15th at 1130 am.  It was crazy scary and although I was in the hospital for just over two weeks (and I thought: PERFECT! I’ll be able to get all my work done in a jiffy!) there was no way my brain was up to handling any kind of work. We were told that we’d probably have to deliver our baby (don’t know the sex yet!) that day, which was 2 months early. I was 32 weeks pregnant and now, me, Baby and my husband (because I couldn’t have stayed sane without him) have defied all odds and have beat Placenta back into submission. Okay. Not really, as I’m still on bed rest, but the docs are quite surprised I’ve lasted this long without another abruption (tear in my Placenta). [Cue clapping here].


Can I tell you though, that mini update wasn’t the reason why I wanted to blog…the prompt to crack open the blog was this:

The splits. Now, how I could’ve possibly missed the memo that BEFORE you officially go into labor, your body starts ‘prepping’ itself, is beyond me.  This ‘prepping’ is akin to feeling like you’re stretching out those legs of yours in a split position and your coach comes over and pushes you further into the ground-lighting your pelvic bones on fire (and since bones don’t melt, they’re just very uncomfortable).  My groin is in some serious discomfort and I can’t help reminiscing on my gymnastics days and wondering why the heck I would’ve subjected myself to this type of discomfort willingly. Ugh.


Next. Don’t let people fool you ladies into thinking you’ll have 9 months of pad free bliss just because you’re pregnant. It’s a lie.

Mucous plug.

That’s all I’ve gotta say on the matter and it’s gross as heck. Oh what we do for babies.

worrying. it’s started prematurely

2 Oct

That’s right. I’m worrying. I worry that my husband won’t get out of bed to go to work and get there on time-I worry that food won’t be good enough-I worry that the house won’t be clean enough…and that’s just a start.  I mean, that’s not to say I didn’t worry before I got pregnant, just that, well, the intensity of the worry has amplified at least 20 fold.  On top of everything is the underlying worry about how much more I’ll worry when baby’s out of the womb.


Which brings me to the point of today’s blog:

Today is Saturday.  Ask me if I work on Saturdays?

You: Do you work on Saturdays?

Me: Heck no!

[and if you were here, you’d look around, furrow your brow and this would come out:]

You: Why’d you get up at 6?


[me ripping my hair from my head like a crazy woman]

Well, for one, my husband had to be up to drive his butt out to Home Depot to pick up insulation which he’s installing with his sister’s boyfriend…so I had to make sure he actually got out of bed for that one…and there’s laundry to do….and my stomach’s growling (all baby wants me to do is eat) and yeah…thus. I’m up.

Make the worry stop until it has to be there!!! Please!

On a brighter note: our baby room’s been painted and we got a crib and a baby changing station…Woopwoop!!!! We’re putting it all together after the insulation goes in. My mum was horrified at the colour we chose: ebony.  In other words: black.  She basically told me baby would be scarred by seeing all those black bars everywhere…um, thanks for the support and let’s add to neurotic-worry-before-you-have-to words of wisdom mum.

I think baby’s made of tougher stuff.

Baby's bed!!!!

“how could you possibly…”

17 Sep

“…run out of gas in your car…in your driveway?”

Um. Well. Let me tell you about baby brain…and driving through Liberty Tunnels through rush hour and I’ll tell you how compelled I was to get gas after watching buttface after buttface do what I should have been smart enough to do…cut in in the last second and make some poor passive schmuck make room for my aggressive bum.

True story.

AAA to the rescue.

Painting baby room this weekend…theme? A wonderful “Under the sea”….

i just need somebody to love…

28 Jul

woke up. bieber was in my head. no i’m not (completely) ashamed of myself. happy hump day all!!!!

oh, how the turn tables….preggers post #2

26 Jul

I was forewarned that it would happen…one day I would wake up and the queasiness and the misery are gone for good. Well, here’s a cheers to day 2 sans quease…there was one day in between with quease but it wasn’t bad enough to warrant misery, and so it doesn’t count 😀 oh happy day! ps. I’m the  one cheers-ing with ice water…..look at me go.

preggers post #1

21 Jul

A friend of mine said I should write about being pregnant…I have to admit it is a bit difficult to focus on a story like Mystery High while holding my hair back.  Pregnancy it is-at least until I can go a day without gagging at some noxious smell.  I have to say though, that the following post isn’t representative of every pregnant woman out there…

How can I explain the extent of fear during early stages of pregnancy?

I’m not sure I can in such a way that everyone who isn’t pregnant, will never be pregnant, or thinks they understand what it’s like to be pregnant, will comprehend. But I don’t mind trying.

Fear: be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event;

It would be easier if I likened it to something you feared tremendously: the dark, dying, elevators, airplanes, crowds….and suggested you go embrace exactly that which you feared for at least 3 months.  But it wouldn’t cut it.

Some pregnant women who I’ve talked to about the fear very simply say: it’s a life, and I don’t want it to die.   Me, well, a long time ago I was told that I thought too much. I then took the advice to heart and filled my time with all sorts of activities, jobs, mindless reading (romance novels 😉 ) to make sure my brain was occupied.  But now that I’m pregnant, I find my hormones doing a GREAT job of getting my thought process back up and running (when I’m not queasy).  So I say that the fear runs way deeper than one life. It’s about two, and how worthy one of them is for life-and I’m not talking about the baby.

Let’s look at creation. Evolution or God, either way says that a woman should have the physical capability of being a mother. It’s necessary for life to continue as we know it.  Now, let’s look at another strictly human situation:  Ever have a significant other basically tell you you’re not worth it? You’re not worth the effort to resolve pain, to laugh with, to experience life with? Remember how heart breaking that forced revelation was?  Most high schoolers who’ve dated probably understand what I’m talking about.  There’s always a time, though, leading up to that point of confrontation where your gut churns at every frown from your significant other, and your life lights up in relief with every smile. But that point of being told you’re worthless to another person came, and may have nearly destroyed you.

Now, imagine it was God, or natural selection, telling you you’re not worth it. Your body wasn’t worth reproducing another you. You are not worthy of continuing the human race.

You have 3 months to figure out if that’s what’ll happen. You cringe at every smell, you smile when food goes down. Your heart picks up for every ultra sound. You scrutinize your doctor’s facial reactions and are elated when the news is good.  Fine, most don’t sit around and worry all day every day-but anyone can tell you, yes, it’s a worry in the back of every mother’s mind.

A pregnant woman might worry about whether her body is then fit to bear the title ‘woman’.  If you can’t conceive, what good are you?

But the grand thing about this fear is that, even if the worst comes to pass, we can try again—and chances are, we will.  You see, women aren’t fearless- we’re strong enough to recognize that even the most crippling fear can be worth facing. Sometimes though, we might need a friend to lean on-even if you don’t really understand the fear-I’ve got me some good friends.  So, if you know a pregnant woman in the early stages, give her a hug to congratulate her, a shoulder to ease her burden and a hand to hold in case she needs it.   Nothing shows you’re a friend better than recognizing the good, bad and ugly and being there regardless of what happens.

God Bless America and Netflix

16 Jul

So, I’m still looking for a theme that really fits “Romancing Pittsburgh”.  This one, all nice and pink, I really thought would do it, but every time I see it I cringe.  It looks like I’m yelling at you “ROMANCING PITTSBURGH! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” And then I feel like it’d be appropriate to tackle you after you finished reading the title. A good solid hit to the gut.

Needless to say, I’ll probably be changing it a few more times until I find “the one”.

Regarding Mystery High. Well. I’m sluggish. You wanna know why? Oh I’ll tell you why. It’s because I’m….dun dun dun…..pregnant! That’s right folks. I’m at 11 weeks and counting and the little critter is due Feb 8, 2011. I’ve been eating melba toast by the boat load and catching up on TV like it’s my job in life.

When I was younger I can honestly say I rarely watched tv. Since I’ve been knocked up though, TV’s been my best friend. In fact, not TV, but Netflix. God Bless America and Netflix. It doesn’t exist up in the land when I originally hail from (Canada).



Shows I should have watched while I was in high school but I’m catching up on now:

1. Roswell.

2. Veronica Mars.

I ♥♥♥ Roswell. Not sure about VM yet. See, the boyfriend’s she’s stuck with all have a history of violent behavior. It’s weird.  Like, I know all high school guys are hormonal but gee golly it doesn’t make it okay to date someone if they have a tendency to beat stuff to a pulp, does it? Maybe it does….I’m outta the loop.  Even the ‘good guys’ are bad news.